Kvika always tries to be guided by the fact that the bank's activities are in accordance with normal and healthy business practices. A large part of this is to respond quickly and effectively to suggestions and complaints that may be received from our customers. Kvika has established rules for the handling of complaints, the purpose of which is to ensure that the process of processing complaints from Kvika's customers is fair, transparent and that the processing- and the response time is as short as possible. The purpose of the rules is also to prevent mistakes by the bank's employees or violations of laws and regulations from happening again.
If the customer has any suggestions or complaints about alleged mistakes by Kvika and/or the bank's employees in implementing laws or regulations, he can direct the complaint to the relevant employee or by sending an electronic tip through the bank's website. Kvika keeps a record of complaints and their handling.
Customers' legal remedies
The Complaints Committee on Transactions with Financial Firms
If the customer is not satisfied with the answers provided by the bank, he can direct his complaint to the Arbitration Committee for transactions with financial companies, which deals with, among other things, on customer disputes with financial companies. A complaint to the adjudication committee must be submitted to the Financial Supervisory Authority in writing on a special form that can be obtained from the supervisory authority's office and its website. Complaints should be sent to:
Úrskurðarnefnd um viðskipti við fjármálafyrirtæki (The Complaints Committee on Transactions with Financial Firms)
Guðrúnartún 1,
105 Reykjavík
Email: fjarmal@nefndir.is
The Financial Supervisory Authority's information and guidance service
The Financial Supervisory Authority guides clients of regulated entities. It consists of trying to guide the parties about the resources they have to achieve their rights, i.a. which parties have decision-making authority in those cases and other general instructions. See more on the Financial Supervisory Authority's website.
The parties can seek redress in the ordinary courts if the subject matter of the dispute has not been exempted from their jurisdiction by law or contract.
Consumer Agency
The Consumer Agency is one of the regulatory bodies that supervises the business world and the laws from Alþingi that are set for the safety and rights of consumers. On the website of the Consumer's Agency, consumers are i.a. able to access information about the cases and in which way consumers can contact the organization if they believe that their rights have been violated.
The Icelandic Depositors' and Investors' Guarantee Fund (TIF)
Attention is drawn to the Depositors' and Investors' Guarantee Fund, which operates according to law no. 98/1999 on deposit insurance and insurance schemes for investors. The goal of the law is to provide depositors in commercial banks and savings banks and customers of companies that use the authorizations of the law to trade in securities with minimal protection against payment difficulties of the respective company in accordance with the provisions of the law. See the relevant laws/regulations and more information about the fund, disbursements, etc. on the fund's website.